Wednesday 2 January 2013

Welcome to swatnama


Dear Friends! we are not here to say, 'Swat is a Paradise on Earth' or ' Swat is Switzerland of the East'. We are here to say, 'what are our responsibilities towards this charming valley as it is this valley which is benefiting us with the beauties and bounties bestowed upon the valley by The Creator. Is our way of living here in this valley constructive or destructive of the natural balance of the valley. It is our way of living that makes the valley the once Udyana and then Wadudyana. We are here to discuss how to live in perfect harmony with nature in this valley. What to take from this valley and what to give to it. To know about the Art, history, culture, literature and people of this valley. We are here to be grateful to the creator of this valley for all things created for us and alongside we are here to acknowledge the role of those who have lived here and done things for the people and land of the valley in consonance with nature. We are here to learn from our past how to make and sustain this valley as a real paradise for our coming generations and humanity. Thanks.

original date of writing these lines: 02/01/2002

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